Friday, September 5, 2008

The Post-Liberal

The Post-Liberal--moi--is a McCain-Palin supporter who is the kiss of death, because he has voted for the loser in every presidential election since 1972 except three: 1976, 1992, and 1996. The Post-Liberal grew up in New York City, graduated from two Ivy League universities (B.A. and Ph.D) and has been a subscriber to the NY Times, The New Yorker, The New Republic, and the Atlantic. But this university professor and lifelong Democrat--and now post-democrat--is solidly behind John McCain's campaign for the presidency. My fellow "cosmopolitans" would like us to believe that John McCain "doesn't get it" and that only those who don't get it or don't care would support him. In this space I will post occasional essays explaining what I think John McCain gets that Obama, the NY Times and my twentysomething children do not.

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At September 11, 2008 at 9:30 PM , Blogger hbn said...

Dear P-L
You are dong a fine job in debunking the myth of Obama. What frys my onions is the number of my fellow Jews who cannot get past the fact that their bubbe and zayde voted for FDR and vote all D all the time, even when the dems are clealry alingned against their self interests. The Obama Guilt machine has struck a rich vein to mine. The irony is that the Annointed One's beleif system is a particualry posionous brew of Franz Fanon racism and George Soros socialism. The rich who fawn over this false prpophet remind me of the German Juden gonser machers who dismmised Hitler's threat to their very exisitence because der Fuerher was obiously ranting about theose other Jews, the dirty yidden of Poland and Russia. Somehow they concluded that their Germanness would exempt them from winding up in the same pile of bones as their despised brethren. They were wrong and the Park Avenenue and Lake Shore Drive libs who support Baracko will find out that their policitcal correctness will not protect them from the class warfare that will surely ensue if we have the disaster of an Obama presidency befall our coutnry

At October 22, 2008 at 2:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world, PL. It looks like you're off to a good start. A university professor who has figured it out -- quite a rare breed. And in the humanities at that! I started blogging earlier this year at, and I look forward to following your comments and seeing what other issues you take up. Best of luck.


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